Market Snapshot
Quotes are delayed, as of May 10, 2024, 09:31:17 PM CDT or prior.
Texas Ag News

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National Newswire
Live Cattle Turn Around to Close Friday Higher -

Live cattle saw initial weakness on Friday, as contracts closed with gains of 20 to 55 cents. Cash was mixed around this week, with the South seeing

Cotton Heads Lower to Round Out the Week -

The cotton market closed with losses of 55 to 133 points across most contracts on Friday, despite USDA calling for a tighter carryout on old crop.

Wheat Bulls Punch Higher on Friday as Chicago Hits 5 Month High -

The wheat complex saw stronger trade on Friday, with assistance from some bull friendly USDA numbers. Chicago contracts were up 18 ¼ to 26 cents

Hogs Push Higher on Friday -

Lean hogs saw gains of 20 to 87 cents across most contracts on Friday, with May down 25 cents and sticking close to the index ahead of next week’s

Soybeans Hold Gains Despite Less Friendly USDA Numbers -

Bean futures saw Friday action heading higher into the weekend, as contracts were up anywhere from 1 ¾ to 12 ¼ cents across the board. Soymeal

Corn Heads Into the Weekend on a High Note -

Corn futures posted gains of 4 ¼ to 13 ¼ cents on the Friday session. Futures closed out the day near the highs, following the release of some

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